
Showing posts from June, 2020

Short Man's Complex

SHORT! Who you calling short? I've probably said that statement my entire life. And always wondered why being so tall was so special. Is it a stereotype that's been embedded in our heads our whole lives? The expression, "Go BIG or don't come at all!" is huge from where I'm from. I'm pretty sure where your from as well. I'm from BOSTON. Home of championships. You know that too, I bet. I know, your already judging me. A short, black, 45 year old man living in Boston. What's his politics and views on the world?  Boston in whole tends to be very liberal. Mostly, voting Democratic. During college season, it seems like half Boston's population is college students from worldly locations, making it truly multi-cultural. Don't get it twisted though, there are pockets of ignorance in this city as well.  Boston aka Beantown is where I was born and raised. I've grown to love it's great schools, great hospitals and discreet racism. I've a

I'm NOT Just My Title

I'm more than you think. I'm NOT Just My Title. I'm a human being first, a father second and a vessel from the higher power sent to help others. I'm a Facilities Coordinator, Uber/Lyft Driver, clothing designer, blogger, student to the world and Youtuber. Does that define me? I would hope NOT.  I went to college and studied Architectural Engineering and Facilities Management. Let's start there and I'll go back even further, if need be. I always wanted to be a cartoonist working for the famous Walt Disney when I was a kid. I have the artist ability to draw and design, but never knew what to do with it. When it was time for me to become an adult, I chose Architecture Engineering at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. Great school and forgettable lessons, but I met some good people. I'm guessing, I'm using only 20% of what I learned from college period. That's a shame. And my degree is in Facilities Management and I'm a Facilities Coordinat