I'm NOT Just My Title

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I'm more than you think. I'm NOT Just My Title. I'm a human being first, a father second and a vessel from the higher power sent to help others.

I'm a Facilities Coordinator, Uber/Lyft Driver, clothing designer, blogger, student to the world and Youtuber. Does that define me? I would hope NOT. 

I went to college and studied Architectural Engineering and Facilities Management. Let's start there and I'll go back even further, if need be. I always wanted to be a cartoonist working for the famous Walt Disney when I was a kid. I have the artist ability to draw and design, but never knew what to do with it. When it was time for me to become an adult, I chose Architecture Engineering at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. Great school and forgettable lessons, but I met some good people. I'm guessing, I'm using only 20% of what I learned from college period. That's a shame. And my degree is in Facilities Management and I'm a Facilities Coordinator. 

I started driving for UBER late 2018 when my daughter went to college. I was of course prepping for the BILLS to be on the rise. Luckily for my daughter and I, she got a couple of grants and scholarships bringing the debt low. Thank you FREE MONEY. And if your reading this and have kids under 18, please make sure you are prepping them for those free money essays early. I had my daughter doing "Give Me Free Dough" letters to Grant/Scholarship programs when she was a Sophomore or Junior in High School. I was not playing. Also, look into the Fidelity 529 Plan to lock in college rates the year you enroll in their program. 

I was recruited for LYFT six months later based on how great my customer relationships were and are. Some guy gets in my car for a 2 minute ride and I was cursing this lazy dude out in my head until he told me he was a recruiter. Not to say, people don't request 2 minute rides though. They do and they are so annoying. I'm not driving currently because of the Covid-19. I'm being extra careful with my health since I'm a bit older, so I STOPPED driving until things clear up. 

I've always said to myself, I'm going to start a clothing/apparel line some day. I just kept procrastinating and just researching. I finally got off my butt in early 2019 and started TWO clothing companies, along with some affiliate companies. I started my Daughter's clothing line called, "Cincerely Yours" and mine called, "MonkeyNuts". 

My daughters name is Cincere (Sincere). I got the name from one of my favorite movies prior to when she was born called, "BELLY" featuring T-BOZ (My favorite TLC member), NAS (Top Five MC's) and DMX (One of the best to ever rhyme and perform). And shout out to DMX for getting his life together recently. Hope to hear him bless the microphone again some day. Hopefully this year. I heard Swiss Beats is working with him now. 

Well NAS's name in the movie was "Sincere". I just thought it was a DOPE name. I took it and flipped it to sound a bit girly. One of her nick names is "Cee Cee". 

We started out having people write letters on their chest (T-Shirts) and ending their messages with Cincerly Yours. I thought that was cleaver. This was a ploy to get people to start reading and writing letters again. Who still writes? Who still writes in cursive? I mean, I blog, but it's not the same. I actually still write in notebooks sometimes. It gives me an nostalgic feeling. 

Currently, we moved on from the writing whatever you want. It was just a FUN way to get people excited about our clothes. We now have a professional logo and it's copy written. If you want logos, get in touch with my cousin on Instagram @FMD_ART. He also did my "MonkeyNuts" logo.

MonkeyNuts? The LOGO is well designed, but what is MonkeyNuts? It's a synonym for the word "CRAZY". I've never liked the word crazy. It's just a negative word. And when myself and other cousins called another cousin crazy all the time when we were younger, he started to believe it. He actually needed therapy based off us calling him crazy. So, I always wanted to create a funny word that meant crazy, but more humorist. Do you hear that Webster Dictionary? 

And if you don't want to wear the apparel, I have other designs I created, I'm sure you would LOVE. Click below and support a small business if you can. Thanks in advance.

I started my YouTube channel around the same time I started blogging late 2019. Well, I always had a YouTube channel, but didn't know I can get paid from it. Once I found out you need 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watch time, I started making videos. Now, I haven't developed any income yet from YouTube, but hopefully I'm on my way. And you can HELP. Click below, subscribe and watch me give artist their flowers now, instead of later. 

I REVIEW mostly HIP-HOP albums with some exceptions. You may NOT know most of the artist because I keep it mostly about lyricist only. So your favorite mumble rapper will not be reviewed. Please check below for a Boston artist named Marquis Filthy below. And NO, it's not me. LOL. The only way I would waste my time and listen to certain music, is if I got paid for it. I do this for FREE, so people with talent currently have my attention. Maybe I'll start a "Patreon" account and review bullshit albums if y'all pay me. Only time will tell.

If your paying attention, I skipped what I do best on the list above. I skipped, "Student To The World". I didn't skip it by accident fellow humans. I skipped it so we can review what I'm labelled. What you maybe labeled. If someone described me, I'm pretty sure most of what I just wrote, would be their answers. Even family members may describe me in that manner, which is not the best news. So, who I'm I? 

I'm a student to the world. Learner of life. And most important a Black Man in America. You know, A HUMAN BEING.

I have a friend that has a 10 year old son and she told me recently, she is frightened for her son. She told me he's getting taller by the day and looking more and more like the typical labelled BLACK BAD GUY for the Police. This conversation and others brought me to this subject. I actually had this story in my head for sometime now. And I feel liberated while I BLOG my thoughts. My how do you feel Black Man thoughts. 

And being a Black Man, I understand, we are the number one enemy for most corrupted police and White America. I understand if I speak up and make noise and make certain people lose money, I could be killed like Martin and Malcolm. I could be killed like Eric Garner for selling loose cigarettes on July 17, 2014 too. As the officers restrained Garner, he spoke, "I Can't Breathe". Does this sound familiar? 

The POLICE KILLING of George Floyd (SAY HIS NAME! SAY ALL THE NAMES WE LOST!) has the WORLD in disarray. It has me more worried than normal for my safety. My anxiety is above the line. As a Black Man, we are becoming an endangered species. With the outrageous numbers of Black Men in prison, killing each other, being killed by the police and being sentenced to longer sentences than Whites our population is dwindling. Our Black Families are in danger. 

So, I'm taking it in my hands to share as much information to my circle of people until I'm shut down. My ancestors died for me and I'm willing to join My Ancestors if need be. Our history as actual slaves runs deep. We not only need reparations to catch up with our White equals, we need historic therapy. We need the World to know our real history. We need to let people know that America is dirty and it's going to take more than drinking BLEACH Mr. President to purify and heal our bodies and souls. 

My parents are both still living, but they choose not to share their history. And I believe it's because the way they were brought up. The way I was brought up. I remember ALL adults had to be respected, even the strangers. I remember KIDS had their place and they couldn't speak unless spoken too at times. It was stricter times. Adults didn't speak with their children. They barely survived week to week with their paycheck from a miserable job. They didn't teach us about finance, retirement savings, stocks, owning property or even the importance of saving. They shared what they wanted like their highlights, but never anything else. 

When I started to learn about wealth, I woke up. I thought my parents and older family and friends misguided me my entire life. Why weren't the people around me knowledgeable to obtain financial independence? I'm finding out some of them knew, but didn't have the money to even make the proper steps to achieve wealth. The struggles they had back then, they could barely keep food on the table. My mother was a single Black Mother that did construction work. I thought my mother was a superhero back then. Now, I know she was and still is. #LOVEYOUMOM

This world needs to be placed in the rinse cycle. The world needs to be disaffected like we are doing all the surfaces from Covid-19. And we need to keep a MASK on these political parties until we allow them to speak. And we maybe ants to this elephant government, but remember "An Elephant can trumpet and shake the earth but not the self-possession of the ANTS who hold it." - Unknown

And if you we need too, it only takes 10 Million Ants to KILL an elephant. - Marquis J. Walker 

I only have one child, but what if I pass away prior to her having a family? Will I be killed by Coronavirus because Black people are more in-tuned to get it? Will Mr. Officer KILL me because I'm BLACK? Let's hope I get to see my grandchildren and I'm able to tell these same stories I type about and speak on YouTube, to their precious faces. I already know they are going to be cute. It's in the genetics. 

I'd love for them to read and watch Grandpa's stories and get to know me. They may have some of my genetics and it will explain to them why they are "MonkeyNuts". 

Thanks For Listening to Me Vent & Reading! Please watch YouTube videos and watch, subscribe and share. Also, support #smallbusiness if you can below. 

Cincerely Yours,
Marquis J. Walker
Father, Blogger, Youtuber and Revolutionary Soldier. 


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