Short Man's Complex

SHORT! Who you calling short? I've probably said that statement my entire life. And always wondered why being so tall was so special. Is it a stereotype that's been embedded in our heads our whole lives? The expression, "Go BIG or don't come at all!" is huge from where I'm from. I'm pretty sure where your from as well. I'm from BOSTON. Home of championships. You know that too, I bet.

See the source image

I know, your already judging me. A short, black, 45 year old man living in Boston. What's his politics and views on the world? 

Boston in whole tends to be very liberal. Mostly, voting Democratic. During college season, it seems like half Boston's population is college students from worldly locations, making it truly multi-cultural. Don't get it twisted though, there are pockets of ignorance in this city as well. 

Boston aka Beantown is where I was born and raised. I've grown to love it's great schools, great hospitals and discreet racism. I've adapted. Not to say I'm cool with the racism, but it's just not in your face like other cities. From my knowledge, I've had "Clear Cut Racism" on a handful of occasions. Where they "Let's March" bad, no. But, they were enough to get my family and friends underwear in a bunch. YES! One time I cried.

I'm really here today to talk about another racism. Did you know most short people have a complex called, Short Man Syndrome or Neapolitan Complex? I've known since I've stopped growing. LOL!

The theory suggest that short people have an inferiority complex due to their mini stature, and develop a way to overcompensate heavily in other aspects of life. They say short people like myself are more aggressive and jealous. It's an alleged psychological condition, which some short people, especially men experience. Don't confuse this for a mental disorder, but more a derogatory social stereotype.

So, I always wondered if being short related to lack of opportunities in dating, jobs, promotions and respect throughout my life experience in a whole. What do you believe? Post your opinions in the comments and let's discuss.


I'm I a leper? It's not that bad, but most women love tall men. I've heard the majority of women in my life (not ex-girlfriends) say they love a strong, tall and handsome man. You've heard it as well. You maybe a woman reading this and agreeing and there's nothing wrong with that. Everyone has a preference when it comes to dating. I'm just wondering what's behind the tall men are better premise. Has it been embedded in our heads since birth? Is it you think they protect you better?

Some short men believe that women see them as less than or deficient. Or their not man enough based on there mass and frame. Do women view us short men as awkward teens with beards stunting in time? Are we the men on the side line waiting for someone to ask us to dance?

In short (pun intended), it's perception that short men aren't real men according to some women. And why is that people? Please let me and others aware. I just have a belief that we've been programmed to think bigger is better. And sometimes it is, but not when it comes to humans.

Larger animals in the wild dominate smaller animals. It's KUMA MATADA right? The circle of life they say. And people are compared to animals. So is it animal instinct that we discriminate with smaller people? I believe so. I've always felt some resistance when talking to a taller woman, but it doesn't stop me. I've dated women taller than me by 3 to 5 inches. I would ask them politely to not where heels. LMAO! I'm only 5'4" by the way.

Careers & Promotions

Are you aware of Height Discrimination (also known as heightism)? Is your manager always taller than you? Think about all your past and present management and let me know if they were mostly taller than you and others. Did they get promotions faster too? Let's discuss.

Height discrimination in principle, refers to the discriminatory treatment against individuals whose height isn't the normal acceptable range of the population, which is around 5'-8". Various studies have shown it to be a cause of bullying as well. I cannot count the times on my hand that I've defended myself from people calling me short or cracking jokes on my height. Too be honest, when I was chasing the streets, I carried a gun because of being bullied on my size. Let's just say I finally got respect, but not the way I would of liked it.

I read a couple of studies that observed INFANTS as young as 10 months old unconsciously associate physical height with power, strength, leadership potential and intelligence. I can see why when it comes to babies and kids, but when we are of adult age, we should be smarter and more respectable. Teach your kids not to be racist in any way please.

"A research paper published in the Journal of Applied Psychology showed that height is strongly related to success for men. It showed that increase in height for men corresponds to increase in income after controlling for other social psychological variables like age and weight.[1] Economists Nicola Persico, Andrew Postlewaite and Dan Silverman conjectured a "height premium" and found that "a 1.8-percent increase in wages accompanies every additional inch of height". They also found that men's wages as adults could be linked to their height at age 16. The researchers found that on an average an increase in height by one inch at age 16 increased male adult wages by 2.6 percent. This is equal to increase of approximately $850 in 1996 annual earnings. In other words, the height and corresponding social experiences of taller male adolescent at age 16 would likely translate to higher wage in later adulthood as compared to shorter male adolescent.[2]

Recent findings suggest that height discrimination occurs most often against racial minorities. A 2007 study found that African-Americans reported higher weight and height related discrimination. This discrimination was even higher in female employees.[13]

In 2017, attorney and author lawyer Tanya Osensky published Shortchanged: Height Discrimination and Strategies for Social Change.[14] The book exposes the cultural, medical, and occupational issues that short people face, which are often deemed unimportant and disregarded. Osensky challenges heightism by disclosing some beneficial aspects of shortness and suggesting avenues of activism and change." - Wikipedia Sourced (Hopefully this information is not edited. You can edit Wiki.) 

*I'm going to edit my height to about 5'-5" when I get famous enough to have a Wiki. LOL!

When I first started this BLOG, I hoped that when I started to research, I'd be wrong on my findings. Do humans favor taller people? I was on a mission to prove that wrong, but these books, papers and online sources all say similar theories. Nevertheless, studies have shown short people are paid less than taller people, with disparities similar in magnitude to the race and gender gaps. Less than 3% of CEO's are under 5 ft 7 in height. 90% of CEO's are known to be above the average height. If I only had "Go, Go, Gadget" shoes. (Look Up Inspector Gadget or click link)

Everything I've mentioned so far comes down to getting respected in life. The BIG "R"! People say you have to earn respect and I agree with them mostly, but when you come in the game the size of Emanuel Lewis or Gary Coleman, AMERICA will have you working double time to earn the same respect. But to be Robert Wadlow at 8'11" (Guinness World Records Tallest Man measured) wouldn't be any picnic either. If we are reincarnated, maybe I'll come back as a 6'-0" White Man. Not that I would want too, but it would be the Yin to my Yang, I've been living so far.

Our society prides tallness as something to be respected. Short people are seen as inferior. People wear shoes that make them taller, even men! People buy big homes, cars, take big vacations, buy big boats and have extravagant weddings. People have larger offices at work with scenic views. People just believe bigger is better. 

Despite my rant on being SHORT, I must say that RESPECT is earned. You can't change your height, but you can change your image and show them your inner strength and power. In short, (AGAIN) you can demonstrate your other human amenities by showing the WORLD what they aren't expecting. Give them your BEST under 5'7" Society.   

Thanks for reading. Please support my daughter and my clothing adventures below. Thanks in advance for your purchase. And share, follow and link with me on other platforms. 

Cincerely Yours,
Marquis J. Walker
Father, Blogger, Youtuber and Revolutionary Soldier. 

Please check out my daughter's clothing line below. Also, my YouTube and other clothing ventures. Thanks in advance. 

Thank You

Monkey Nuts

Cincerely Yours

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Marquis J. Walker/Daughter's Apparel 

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  1. This was a really insightful post to read. Whilst being short hasn't knowingly affected my relationships, it has affected my dream job because they have height restrictions and I'm too short for it.


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